Saturday, April 9, 2022

Off-grid post, 4-9-22


There are a lot of orders that are coming in for this latest step in the solar panel project. While I am waiting on those, the part that holds it up to the sun has got to be built. So that is what I am doing now.

Evidently, the carpentry skills still have a lot to be desired. I think I know what it takes to get a structure to stand up in the wind around here. Let us hope so, anyway. The structure in place has stood up for several years. There have been cases when I built something that did not hold up for long.

Part of that is that I go pretty cheap. Only what gets me by. To do this in a better way would take more materials, more machinery, and so forth. All of that costs money. Another reason is that I am not that careful. It usually looks like a "Mr. Haney" job ( Green Acres character on sixties sitcom).

At least I am not selling my services to anybody. I don't think they'd be happy. Somebody might not be happy, anyway. Number One would say that it looks "low rent". Okay. I can accept that. I'm not building it to sell it. Everything he makes is made for profit. Not me.

One of these days, he may tell me to take it down because it is so ugly. So far he has put up with it. He is very patient in that way. lol.

One thing that would not be good is if this thing fell down in the wind. So I need to get at least that much right.

I'm hoping to get this much done before the panels arrive. But if not, it is no big deal. It was a long time before I got this one up. Two more is going to give three times the number of watt hours per day potential. Plenty enough to run my swamper. There may be enough to try cooking with my egg cooker. It only takes 300 watts to operate. Given my way, I might be able to cook a lot of things with this little gizmo.

I really do "small-ball" everything. It is like the 1979-80 Houston Astros Baseball team. They won with "small ball". That team probably holds the record for the fewest home runs for a team in Major League history. Small ball is okay, you can win with that. I hope to. I like winning. I hate losing. It may seem otherwise, but I don't like to lose.

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