Monday, February 7, 2022

You have to decide

So they're cracking down on the Canadian truckers. The people in Canada now have a choice. They can support the truckers, or they can be slaves. The truckers want the freedom to choose what to put in their bodies. The government says that for anybody to resist them is a criminal. Okay, now you have your choice. Choose to be an outlaw for disagreeing with the authorities, or forever be a slave. That's because once they got you in chains, it's over.

What about here in America? Do we get to choose anymore either? Can you have a disagreement with the powers-that-be, or do you get cancelled like Joe Rogan? That's because if you they don't like your "unacceptable viewpoints", then you must be criminalized. Are we going to be free, or is it time now to accept our chains?

The tyrants are showing us who they are. So what are we? It is time to choose.

We cannot protest the government anymore. Biden said that nothing is absolute. But if you are a slave, that's pretty absolute. The first thing a tyrant does when he has power is to take away your ability to resist. That means your guns. Biden wants your guns and he wants your unquestioning obedience. Or else.

It's time to choose. Everybody will have to choose what the future will be like. We will be free or we won't be. The tyrants are showing us who they are.

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