Tuesday, February 8, 2022

James Carville

Carville is close to the Clinton wing of the Democrat Party. There's a post on Insty that quotes Carville a bit. He's talking about the same schtick that the Clintons managed to fob off on the public in the nineties. It was a scam then, and it is a scam now.

Carville may be right to blame the noisy wing of the party, which I think of as commies. The commies are very forceful and loud these days. Carville is just telling them to shut up, or what? Leave? Carville needs these people. Basically, Carville is telling them to shut up, and let the Clintonoids fool the public again. The scam is this left-right-center paradigm that I've been talking about. That's a false paradigm that is meant to fool people into doing what the leftists want them to do. It invariably leads us to the point that we are in today. If the Bushes and Clintons hadn't opened the door to the leftists, they wouldn't be in the position today to demand full, complete, and permanent power. That's the hallmark of communism. All Carville is a slicker version of a communist. The left right center paradigm always leads to communism. That's why it was invented.

There are those on the so-called "right" who continue to call themselves that. These people may appear to be solidly in the camp for freedom. But why use the commie paradigm if they truly are? The correct way to proceed to be on the side of freedom, and never use that word "right" as a descriptor. Freedom is antithetical to slavery. Communism is slavery. Define it that way and you win every time. Nobody in the right mind wants to be a slave. Only a small minority wants slaves, and only a small minority wants to be slaves; the rest prefer to be free.

Ronald Reagan defined it properly and won. He was the most successful GOP politician in recent times. Why do the rest of the GOP insist upon playing the commies' game? Reagan didn't, and Reagan won 49 states. He could have won all 50, but let Mondale win his home state of Minnesota. He did that in deference to George Washington, who remains the only President to get a unanimous vote in the electoral college.

Bush ran as a continuation of Reagan, but he didn't mean it. He ran as a compassionate conservative. As if slavery is compassion or something. So Bush just fooled the public into thinking that he believed what he didn't. That's how we got to where we are. If he had remained true to the Reagan Revolution, he wouldn't have been defeated. We don't need fakes posing as freedom fighters.

The Bushes are the model of what's wrong in the GOP. They connive with the commies in the Democrat side to continue pushing the commie paradigm as if it was better than freedom. They do this to this very day, as George W Bush supports Liz Cheney. The Bushes and Cheneys are no friend to Reaganism. They never really were, and only pretend when it is to their advantage to pretend. It is the same kind of scam that Carville is trying to pull.

Carville is just a fraud as are the Bushes and Cheneys. Nobody needs these commies except the Bushes, Cheneys and Clintons of this world. Separate from them and free America. But that is not what Carville is about. Don't be fooled.

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