Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Conservatism Ink


Ah, today's blogging entry. I've thought about this off and on today, and now I am finally going to write something. Drum roll please....

This one is going to be about those who claim to be conservative and aren't really. To get an example of why this isn't just my opinion, go to the Ace of Spades--HQ, and read this: David Brooks, remember him?


It didn't take long for me to find an objection. Although I agree for the most part with what the author had to say, he used the word "right" in reference to conservativism. That's a big "no-no" to me. If I have said it once, I have said it on this blog a dozen times or more, you never, never, never should ever do that. It falls right into their hands when you do. Maybe I'm not a part of Conservatism then, because I do not ever, ever, ever want to be lumped in together with that word called "right". Never. NEVER.

Once again: the left, right, center dialectic is an invention of the communists that is meant to baffle everyone. That's the entire reason for its existence. Period. Oh, and by the way, Brooks is denying that there's anything such thing as the "left". Brooks needs to get around more. I wonder if he has noticed what has been going on for all these years. The Cold War? The Red Chinese saber-rattling about Taiwan? By the way, the Red Chinese have never renounced their communism. They are only using capitalism to build up their strength, and then they will move towards conquest. Did he bother to notice?

You'd think this guy lived in a cave somewhere and never saw or heard anything at all. But he probably does live in New York, which might explain a few things. He writes for the New York Times, he probably lives in New York. It may not be a cave, but it is a lot of things, and a few too many that aren't so good these days.

Back to this left v right dialectic. The left likes to do that because they like to categorize anybody who disagrees with them as fascist. This means EVERYBODY. Now---doesn't it seem kind of dumb to let them get away with this??? I remember some stuff back in the Nixon days when he went to China. There was a lot of talk amongst the commies about "backsliding" and becoming one of the "running dogs" of imperialists. They had plenty of uncomplimentary things to say about America. They probably haven't changed, but the commies sure look different now. It is all a ruse. To all commies, you have to toe the line, or you're a fascist. That's how they think. Why agree with them? Why validate their warped point of view? Notice how anybody on the opposition side is always the latest reincarnation of Hitler? This is no accident. To them, if you wander off the reservation, you are backsliding into fascism. That's the dialectic. Don't use it.

Brooks either doesn't know this, or he is pulling everybody's leg. Neither alternative is good. This is how guys like Brooks become "useful idiots". Actually, the term "useful idiot" is a leftist term. Those who support freedom shouldn't think of people as useful idiots, but uninformed. Supporters of freedom just want people to recognize that truth. The commies don't care anything about truth. It is all about fooling the public, because if the public really caught on to their spiel, they RUN, not walk, away. So guys like Brooks are not to be taken seriously. There has never been any shortage of "useful idiots" out there who the commies have no problem in fooling. None of them should be a part of the freedom faction. It takes a clear head when these commies are always blowing smoke in your face.

As for the author of this piece about Brooks, he needs to "get it" himself. If he doesn't get dialectics, he doesn't get it either. Ronald Reagan did, and that's why he won 49 states in 1984. There is no reason why that couldn't work again. People are always going to prefer freedom over slavery. Especially once there are people, like Reagan, who enunciate and articulate it properly. Brooks and this Ace of Spades author are both off that mark.

It should also be noted that Brooks mentioned "rage". If you are in a rage, then you are doing what the lefties want you to do. They need people to be angry. Don't get angry then. They need you to be afraid. Don't be afraid then. They need to dumb everybody down. Don't listen to them and raise your IQ a stardard deviation or two. Not only that, you will feel a lot better, because commies need you to feel bad. Don't give them the satisfaction.

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