Sunday, September 26, 2021

Giving in to fear is the path to defeat


State in India has 5% jabbed, but no deaths. Its neighbor is over 50% jabbed, and Covid is out of control. 'Nuff said.


Good essay on Free Republic. I would add that Norway is going to treat it as no more significant than the flu. It also happens that Norway has been taken over by commies. Based upon the mentioned essay linked to above, the fact was mentioned that the commies need fear in order to dominate. So, if you were to observe the takeover in Norway, could you not conclude that as soon as they no longer need to overcome capitalism, they do away with the covid fear campaign.

The war ends with a defeat of communism or a victory of communism. The communists are using it as a war strategy. Once the commies achieve victory, it will no longer need covid to scare people, because their power will now intimidate their opponents. That's how commies operate.

Giving in to fear is the path to defeat.

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