Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Cuomo pardons Weatherman

Cuomo pardons Weatherman

The New York Post article calls it shameful. But it seems more like sinister would be more of an apt adjective. The Weathermen were true revolutionaries of the Vietnam War Era, who actually attacked the US Capitol Building. The obvious comparison between the Weathermen and the protestors on January 6th does not look good for the commies. The Weathermen were actual commies trying to overthrow the US Government. They wanted to kill MILLIONS of Americans, who the Weathermen knew would never accept communism.

Bill Ayers, who is close to Obama, was one of those people. The links are what makes this sinister. Looking away from this does not make it all go away. Cuomo killed many old people in nursing homes, but the Pravda media made him into a hero. Only now, when he is no longer convenient for them, is he dispatched. Then, he does this. It shows you who these people are, if you are willing to look and SEE.

This is like a metastatic cancer in the body politic. Better do something soon, or the "patient" will die. It won't be pretty.

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