Sunday, March 14, 2021

What a joke


It looks like everything really is turning to garbage. I have an uglier word, but I am trying to restrain myself from using a four letter word starting with "s" and ending with "t".

You cannot find a straight answer to a simple question, such as "How many people died in the USA in 2020?" I tried that and failed to get a satisfactory answer. Everything is now reduced to propaganda.

The information reported here on that question showed little change from year-to-year, but it is being reported hysterically that new records for mortality were set last year. I have to call "Barbra Streisand" on that one. The reportage in this country just isn't reliable. But that now includes search engine results. No straight answers.

It goes with Jen Psaki's failure to answer a simple question, which I wrote about yesterday. We cannot get answers anymore from the government nor from private sector, if one remains.

The truth is being suppressed. My question is this: "Was there more deaths in the USA last year or not?" I am beginning to think that there really wasn't, but the news is being reported otherwise. It's a joke.

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