Saturday, October 24, 2020


More on COVID-19

Just asking questions here. I realize that there are many folks out there that really believe in this thing. Please don't attribute some questions here as meaning I'm claiming that this is a hoax. Not saying that it is a hoax, but now I am suspicious that it COULD be. People sometimes don't hear you the way you intend, or read into something you said that is not what you intended. I am not claiming hoax, but AM claiming IT COULD BE.

Unfortunately, I am hobbled by a computer problem. I can only connect with the internet indirectly, so it is hard to research this thing. I am looking up a few things.

First and foremost, what should you believe? I just read a UPI poll that claims that such and such number of people know somebody who had it. A bit of digging into the poll revealed something that made me suspicious. I know. I know. That word "suspicious" might cause a few antenna to go up. But MINE is up BIG TIME. No apologies will be made for that.

There are just too many lies out that I have to start questioning things that I wouldn't have done in the past. Just too much misinformation. Who do you trust? That is not such an easy question to answer.

I didn't know too much about the CDC, so I looked up a few things about that. The CDC is a bit too opaque in my opinion. Anyway, it is a sub-agency of Health and Human Services, which is a Federal agency. So, it is government, which means it is probably going to favor Democrats.

That might get some people's dander up, but it is the way it is. Government agencies are dominated by Democrats. That's a fact of life.

People trust the CDC, or so it seems. Being that it is likely in control of the Big Government types, I am going to have to be suspicious of it. The CDC is organized into several pieces, each with its own responsibility. The one that is in charge of COVID-19 is run by an Obama appointee who happens to be Rod Rosenstein's sister.

Yeah, that Rod Rosenstein. Before I wrote that, I checked it. They are related.

What about this Dr. Fauci? Frankly, I never heard of him at all before all of this COVID-19 stuff happened.

The Fauci guy has been around for a long time, and he is in charge of something, which I didn't take note of and have forgotten already. That's not too important to this discussion. The thing that is important is that people trust him. But WHY?

Why trust somebody you don't know? What does anybody really know about this guy? We have a Presidential Election going on, but these guys can keep secrets under the glaring lights. Here's a guy who isn't running and people trust him. What do we really know about him? Huh? Why trust him with so much influence when we don't really know him?

Another item of news here: the media is starting to hype the COVID-19 thing again. More cases than ever, they say. People are dying, they say. They say a lot of things. A lot of things that aren't so when you look closer. The media and the Democrats are just about the same thing.

So the thing to remember is that this article I saw this morning says that the virus has not been purified. In the old days, that is how you did it. Nowadays, they depend upon computers. If nobody has isolated and purified a sample of it, how the hell do you know what you have? There is room for some fraud here is all I am saying. Questions should be asked, but people are too trusting.

People are dying, you may say. Sure. But of WHAT exactly? We don't know if we don't have a purfied sample of it. People could keep on dying until we know EXACTLY what we are dealing with. If this article was correct, then we DON'T. A vaccine could be meaningless and useless if it is obtained in this fashion.

Keep in mind that all of this could be deliberate in order to draw this out as long as possible. We DO have an election going on.

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