Monday, September 21, 2020

Off-grid post, 9.21.20


This isn't so much about the off-grid project, but it is sort of related. Related in the sense of making do with what I've got.

Recently, I made some plumbing and electrical connections for my washer. It is now more useful than it once was. But I am not satisfied.

The rain water collection effort was stopped awhile back because it is too bothersome to bring the water inside. The idea occurred to me to use this pump to bring it in. For that to happen, a bit more work is required. I made a hole in the floor previously so as to do the climate control experiment. So all the elements to do this project are there. The access to outside, plus some plumbing already in existence, plus this pump. The pump is portable, so I can take it outside, and pump out the containers full of rainwater.

The water can be pumped inside straight to the washer. Then I can figure out what to do next. I think I'd rather have it cleaner, so I think the thing to do is to filter it and return it to the washer. This will take some figuring.

Anyway, I tested the concept today and it was a success. Not the pumping inside. I have to do some preparations before I can do that. I just pumped the water out of the containers on to the ground.

The climate setup had the hose mostly outside. It has to be mostly inside now. This requires that it be pulled out and the plumbing reworked.

That shouldn't be that big of a deal.

The water filtration needs some figuring. As for the water being in the washer, I can drain it out like used wash water. But I will collect the water to be filtered, and somehow get it back to the washer. This will require some thinking, as mentioned.

It's really not an off-grid post, but the setup can be used out there.

That's all.

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