Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Trump heading for re-election?(updated)


This post was penned after the primaries, and before the conventions. If memory serves, Trump passed the poll that would have been a dead ringer for a loser. That poll was the in which they asked if you were better off than you were four years ago. More people said that they were, than otherwise. Every President, until Trump, would win if that was a good number. He had a good number, but he "lost".

There was talk about a steal long before the election. The question is not about the steal, but why wasn't it stopped beforehand? Even further, why hasn't it been stopped afterwards? Everybody knows the answer to that one. It's the Establishment that didn't want Trump. The Establishment faked an election so that it looks like Trump was bounced from office by the vote of the people. This was not the case.

Biden didn't win it. Who could believe that a guy who can barely talk could win an election over an incumbent, whose polls were favorable on the electability metric?

The election was rigged. Propaganda to the otherwise would make Goebbels blush. Biden was installed by the Establishment. Now they are doing what people said that they would do-- run him off after a sufficient time. Nobody in DC is willing to do the right thing. What they may end up doing is anyone's guess. But it can't be good.

The original post follows. It seems to have aged well. Not much has changed. If anything, things are getting worse. We're getting the worse of both worlds. Bad government and no accountability for the same.

The GOP is said to be on the way to a big win. But for what? More of this?

Originally posted on May 28, 2020

There's plenty of reason for caution on the optimism. In fact, there is a lot of reasons for concern.

Let's start off with the Wuhoo Cuckoo Flu. If mask-wearing is any indicator, then the Donald is in Deep-Doo-Doo. At least it would appear so in my neck of the woods in the Hill Country of Texas. It is here that Trump should do the best, but there are a lot of folks around here wearing masks. Texas has a good record with the virus, compared to NY. But the people here are really scared of this virus if the masks are any indication. In my county, the masks are mostly off, but next door Burnet County--woof. You'd think it was in New York City.

Another reason for concern is that the Democrats are going to steal the election. Not maybe, but absolutely. I'm guessing that they aren't going to take any chances in the blue states that went for Trump last time. Mail-in ballots are on the way to Pennsylvania. Wisconsin is a likely bet as well. Michigan would probably be a hard one to win again in any event, but I figure they'll steal that one too. If he loses all three, he's in trouble. I'd say his chance for winning all three is a long shot at best. If it was a fair election, maybe. But this won't be a fair election.

There are those who keep touting polls. But I've been watching Rasmussen all along. He's in the lower end of his usual range. Even in the best of times, his range in Rasmussen is in the low fifties. With all the scandalous behavior the Democrats have thrown at him, and the fact that none of it has proven to be truthful, his numbers should be a lot higher. I'd say if the truth mattered to people, his numbers would be in the high fifties. At least. Chalk this one up to the Democrat propaganda machine. The lack of support from his own party is also scandalous. Supposedly, he has a lot of support from the GOP, but that is only on paper. If they were honest, they wouldn't be faking their support. Some, like Ann Coulter, are showing their true colors. Too many fakes out there, and that includes the GOP.

In 2016, I figured Trump had a chance. I didn't think he was a shoo-in, but he had a chance. In this election, unless things break for him in a big, big way, he might well lose.

This all may seem like Democrat propaganda. But I'm trying to be a realist. It all boils down to the fact that people are too trusting of the Democrats, and the Democrats are going to take every possible advantage of that.

The Democrats should have no credibility at all. Why should they? They have a running feud with the truth. The truth to the Democrats is like the crucifix is to Dracula. It like holy water to the Devil.

If the GOP was serious about winning, we'd see an avalanche of tough talk. But it ain't likely, so get ready for some very hard times ahead. The Democrats seem to be playing for keeps, and the GOP is the Stupid Party, as usual.

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