Friday, March 27, 2020

Obligatory, 3.27.20

How to meet the emergency? You may debate it one way or down the other, but one thing is sure. If

folks don't get a grip, things are gonna go down the crapper. If it ain't a true emergency, it can become one.

What to do to keep it from turning into a bigger problem? Let's brainstorm some solutions, shall we?

Starting with toilet paper, for one. Take each of these problems and find a solution for them.

What to substitute for toilet paper? There are plenty of things on the market, but if the market

takes a dump, then what? Why, this place here is brimming with paper. It may not be "Charmin",

but it might do in a pinch.

Letting my imagination wander a bit brings in a few possibilities that could be improvements.

As for my own situation, I figure that I can do with what I got for an indefinite period.

Once everyone gets their poop back together again, then maybe this shortage can be flushed.

Gotta go. Buh, bye!

Hmm. Formatting sucked on this one. Gotta fix that.

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