Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Obligatory, 3.25.20

No news headlines today. The news does not seem particularly helpful these days. This is true even from my usual sources.

So, I kept busy doing other things. One thing that I am doing lately is to review some of my info sources for my off-grid project. I found a book about survival, which seems especially pertinent to today's news.

Are we in a survival situation? Rather than to attempt to answer that question, I will note a few things that I merely glossed over in my first reading of the book.

Fear is a terrible enemy. One thing to be avoided is to succumb to that emotion. It can literally make a person stupid.

Then how do you avoid falling into that sort of a trap? One thing is to keep busy at what you can do. A byproduct of fear is that it can be paralyzing. People may give up. Those who do may very well die, if it is truly a survival situation. You have to keep trying. Not only that, you have to have what I will refer here as something of a happy warrior attitude. Fear is a type of physiological thing that reduces us to an animal state. The higher functions seem to go away, and the animal instincts will take over. A happy warrior will relish the fight. Fear does not help. Humor and courage can go a long way.

There will be more about the book later. It seems enough to mention for now that fear is just not a good thing right now. Whatever can be done to alleviate the emotion can be helpful.

That is all.


More about the book at the off-grid site.

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