Thursday, September 26, 2019

Solomon: US Embassy said not to prosecute in 2016


Soros group includes Biden's son.  Yes, Biden did a quid pro quo. 

This is complicated stuff.  You really have to dig down deep to get this.  IMO, the reason this stuff works for the left is that it is indeed as complicated as it is.  

In the end, you have to be clear on the major points.  Biden is done.  Stick a fork in him.  However, the left doesn't mind this at all.  Furthermore, they can blame Trump for it all.  This keeps their own people from getting mad at them.

By the way, people often get confused by complex subjects like nuclear energy.  It is a prime avenue for mischief makers, such as these types of people, to confuse others with respect to these subjects.  They win by sowing confusion.

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