Monday, September 23, 2019

Pat Paulsen still running for POTUS


It was a running joke for the longest time.  Pat Paulsen for President.  Yep.  A joke.  It reminds me of something.  It seems that this Weld character has been running for POTUS forever.  So he's the new Pat Paulsen.

He has about as much credibility as Paulsen, so he has that going for him.

Those on the never-Trump side appear about as serious as Paulsen.  In other words, they have no clue what a joke they are.

If they really understood the joke, and if the people caught on to how big of a joke this guy is, he would be afraid.  Why?  Because the traitors are the people he is encouraging.  If what he advocates were serious, he might be in jeopardy himself.  For he is aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the lawful authority of the United States.  That is treason itself.

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