Saturday, September 21, 2019

Feedback archived post 9.21.19

This post will become a featured post.  It will be displayed continually on the left sidebar near the top.

The point of this post is to show trending posts and to respond to them.  The response is mine.  I will comment.  You will vote by clicking on a post.  This gives a tally that will show which one is the most popular.

Each day I will update this post.  That is the plan for now.  If it succeeds, it will become permanent.  For now, let's call it an experiment.


9.21.19, 6:30 am cdt:

An oldie update this morning.  Traffic is light, and I'm going to have to do some stuff.  Perhaps more can be posted later today.

Daily Update:

The oldies have a lot of broken links now...  It is probably too much to expect that the old links will last forever.  Especially youtube videos.

9.20.19, 6 am cdt:

For the time being, the commentary will be placed at the top of this post.  It becomes less and less readable the longer the post gets.  Therefore, new material will be placed at the top.  In order to review what was posted previously, just read beyond the double line.

The post about Texas not going blue is having some staying power.   Or is it about Minnesota going red?  Thinking big is supposed to be the Texan way, so let's think big, and positive.

Commenting policy got a few more clicks.  Nope.  If I were to allow anonymous comments, this could turn into a slugfest.  Or somebody could get abusive while knowing their comment would not be published.  I don't care for the abuse.  I don't need the aggravation.


9.17.19:  As of this writing, the weekly post winner is about Texas not going blue.  As for the month, it is the one about Judge Judy.  The one about Judge Judy is one of the top ten all time posts.  Still going strong!

9.18.19, 6:35 cdt:   The leaderboard will change from time to time, but as of now, it is the same as yesterday.

It occurred to me that if I update this daily, the post will get too long eventually.  Therefore, there will be a new update post for each week.  Maybe I do that on a weekend.  Don't know if Sat or Sun will be best yet.

9.19.19: 10 am cdt:

Same as yesterday.  This could get boring.  There is no blogger gadget for daily audience, so I have to make that up here.  So for the 24 hour period, it is :  Judge Judy.  This blog cannot be about Judge Judy.   

Commenting policy has gotten a few clicks on a steady basis.  The reason for the policy is that nobody will comment here anonymously.  That's not going to change.  That's why this feedback is set up because very few want to comment here.  I get a comment once in a blue moon.  I have tried other ways, including this for interaction.  At least this is a way to interact anonymously.  That's as far as I will go.

Daily update:

There are clicks on my other pages.  A few clicks about the land, free advertising,  and how to navigate the blog.

Those are self-explanatory.  I cannot read minds, so without a response, what I am supposed to say?

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