Sunday, March 24, 2019

False flag operation?

It is being circulated about that the New Zealand attack was fake.

Keep in mind that fakes have not been a rarity in recent times.

Several points have been made about the video, which is why I am taking it a bit more seriously than when I first heard this.  For example, shell casings disappear in mid air.  A windshield that gets fired at should shatter the glass, but nothing happens to the glass.  The guns used looked fake according to some.  And so forth...

The big tell might be in the banning of video of the shooting.  If you wanted to cover up something, then a move like this might make some sense.

Another thing is how quickly the left took advantage of the situation.  I would be very suspicious of any moves to disarm the public in the face of such a heated and rushed desire to get their way on a long term policy preference.

I copied a video of the shooter's handiwork, but the quality is so poor that I cannot make any independent judgment of my own with regards to some of what was claimed.

Even if the event was real, there is no justification for disarming the public.  Such a move is suspicious.

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