Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Dinesh D'Souza


Posted yesterday, 3.11.19:


After a second viewing ( most of it , but not all ), I pretty much get it.   D'Souza does get into the weeds a bit, at times.  Overall, it is a strong movie.

People need to understand what they are dealing with.  The left is out to break this country, and Obama was perfect towards that end.  Here was a guy who could sell himself as an American, but was intent upon destroying it.

Obama's mother was anti-American.  That is why she married two different guys who weren't American.  She didn't like her own country very much.  How could Obama help to be anything but anti-American himself?

When Obama's mother's second husband became more westernized, she became disappointed.  You people need to understand this.  There are people amongst us who are not loyal.


Just watched his movie "2016", which was really about the 2012 election.

I didn't watch it back then because I already knew what Obama was.  Frankly, how many really want to know what the guy is?  Also, there was an entire industry built around the motivation of keeping the identity of this guy a big secret.

That is to say, even though this movie does have a lot to say about who Obama is, it seems to fall on deaf ears because too many don't really want to know.

Yet, we spend two years chasing the "collusion" phantom, looking for a monster that doesn't exist.  Talking about a country with its head up its ass, that's the America of 2019.

The Wikipedia entry on D'Souza is a case in point.  I checked out some of their supporting links.  They say he is a "conspiracy theorist", but show no hard evidence of that.  Besides, if it is indeed a conspiracy, so what?  The thing that people should be interested in is whether or not these things were true or false.  Like I said, too few people really want to know.

I think he did a good job with the flick.  However, at the end, he may have gotten a bit in the weeds with the deficit spending discussion.  It took away something from the discussion.  But I may be hasty in that judgment.  I stopped watching it with a few minutes left.  I will go back and change this judgment if a change is warranted.

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