Thursday, September 13, 2018

Grumpy old fart time

Yes, it must seem that way to young eyes.  I could tell that when I went out to
work last Saturday.  These young people are like babies.  It is almost like you
have to change their diapers for them.  All of that last comment was metaphorical,
of course.  Yes, you have to do everything for them.  Might as well put a bib on
'em and spoon feed them as well.

Young people may think they know everything.  It seemed that way when I was young.
I knew everything and I was going to live forever.  But youth lasts but for
a short time.  Before you know it, you are an old fart like me.  Now the young
people see me as a grumpy old fart.  I can see it out there when I work.

The politicians fool the public all the time.  They are deceitful as the day is
long.  So, who do they like to deceive the most?  Why, the youngsters, of course.

As old as I am, they fool me too.  But hopefully not as much as they used to.

You might hear the phrase "rule of law".  Nothing changed since I was a youngster.

There's plenty use for that phrase---then and now.  Only thing is that the rule of
law has been subverted then as now.  All in the name of preserving it.  Just another
one of the lies from our good friends, the politicians.

The US Constitution provided the blueprint for a country to be governed by the
rule of law.  Of course, the politicians are all for the rule of law except when
they are not, which is most of the time.  Consequently, the Constitution is quickly
becoming nothing more than a relic from a bygone era.  It is has been referred to
as such, because it is a "living document".  Only old farts like me seem to care
about it anymore.

The living document is an argument for subverting the Constitution, and replacing
it with the whims of men.  These men are not elected, but they are responsible for
most of what is called "progress" these days.  You know, like redefining marriage,
even though there is nothing in the Constitution that gave these judges that power.

Culture was supposed to be a local affair.  It is not supposed to be a concern
of the nation's highest court.  But politicians have a better idea.

Why, in the good old days, homosexuals were considered abnormal.  These days, we
are much more enlightened.  Thanks to our leadership, what was once considered
abnormal and repugnant has now become mainstream.  In the old days, there was
this song that referred to "father-rapers".  It seemed hilarious back then.  But
today?  It might get banned for being "anti-gay".  Of course, gay used to mean
something else entirely when I was a kid.  It had nothing to do with homosexuality.

All this progress happened right under the noses of my generation.  So now I am
very sorry that I didn't do more to stop it.  It was no big deal then.  Even now,
when the politicians preach to us about rule of law and democracy, they practice
neither.  As a result of all this democracy and rule of law, the California
initiative to ban same-sex marriage was ruled "unconstitutional" by what has been
miscalled a "conservative" court.

So these conservatives really love the rule of law, don't they?  Nobody keeps
standards anymore, not even conservatives.  Conservatives?  What conservatives?

The pedophilia in the Catholic church is in the news these days.  The very idea
of priests doing this to youngsters would have been considered so shocking that
it would have shook the world, is now slowing changed into something considered
to be normal.  What's the big deal?-- in today's world.  Nothing like this would
have been taken so lightly in my youth.  No siree.

They used to burn heretics at the stake.  How uncivilized.

In my youth, even criminals had been morals than the priests these days.  If a
convict was found to be a pedophile, the prisoners would beat that guy to death.
We put up with things today that even the lowest dregs of society of an earlier
day would not have tolerated.

But the politicians say we have made progress.  The younger people, not having
seen with their own eyes how our society has degraded, will accept that as
gospel truth.  But kids are easy to fool.

It might be a bit harder with an old fart like me.  But who listens to old white
guys?  Remember George Will?  He won't vote for the GOP anymore, even though
the guys he wants to vote for now are disregarding the dead white guys of days
gone by.  I heard the term "dead white guys" from Will himself.

Will isn't young anymore.  How did they fool him?  Maybe there is no fool like
an old fool.

I just as soon be a grumpy old fart.  I refuse to be a fool for these "father

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