Sunday, November 19, 2017

What is reality? ( or what is truth )

Plato's Cave and Our Current Reality

Earick Ward, American Thinker


He postulates that it may be more force than reason.  Whatever the case may be, if you should win a battle on its merits and the potential for victory is there, you should go for victory.

I think of this every time an issue like the alleged behavior of Judge Roy Moore comes up.  Supposedly, the conservative thing to do is to roll up into a little ball and roll into the nearest hole so you can crawl into it.

When it is an issue like the Ten Commandments ( and Judge Moore), one that you could win, and should win, then by golly go for the win.  If that is "force", then we need to have "conservatives" who are willing to be more forceful.  This schtick of theirs is nothing that I would call conservative.  Since when is conservatism defined in this way?

It means nothing if you are not willing to put something into it.  So-called conservatives are just playing around if they aren't willing to pledge their "life, liberty, and their sacred honor".  For that is what it took to make this nation, and that is what it is going to take to keep it.

So-called conservatives are not willing, it seems, to do any of that.  "Let's not get our hands dirty", seems to be the thinking.

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