Thursday, April 21, 2016

Another reason Cruz is not Reagan

You've got to hand it to these so-called conservatives.  They are out there, working their jaws again, hoping to "persuade" people to their point of view.  Only thing is, I think they are losing people.

They lost people in New York.  You don't insult the people who you are trying to persuade.  The Cruzers are doing that very thing, as if that is an effective persuasive device.  It is a lot easier to persuade oneself of someone else's stupidity than to admit to one's own.  It is pretty stupid strategy to insult people then expect them to come around to your point of view.

Winston Churchill didn't do this.  He respectfully disagreed about Munich.  If he acted like the so-called conservatives, he would have insulted them and called them stupid for what they did in Munich.  Instead, when England was faced with one of their darkest hours, but finest hours, Churchill was very generous and kind to Neville Chamberlain, even though he was tragically wrong about Hitler.

Ronald  Reagan didn't do this.  He invented the 11th Commandment of Politics- thou shalt not criticize another Republican ( in public).  It seemed to work for him.  He won 49 states.  He managed to get Democrats on board, too. 

Donald Trump did not do this.  For all of his alleged whining, I cannot recall him throwing blanket criticism around the way these guys are doing.  If he loses the nomination, he will blame the GOP for being unfair, but it is only because that is the truth.  If it isn't unfair, why have hashtags of #nevertrump?  Never?  Even if he wins, fair and square, it's never?

On the other hand, if Cruz loses, it will be low information voters.  It is insulting.  Just like "New York values".  That plays well if you want to play the Us. vs. Them game.  It's red v. blue uber alles.  This is the kind of thing that chases off people who might be inclined to agree, but you make yourselves so disagreeable, that they won't join you.

They are always trying to insult somebody else's intellect.  There are others who feel that they are just as smart as you are, but do not agree.  So much for "persuasion".  It isn't about that.  It must be about reassurance.  They have to loudly proclaim their superiority in order to assure themselves of it.  However, not everyone seems to be impressed with their self proclaimed superiority.

Nobody can expect to emulate Reagan if they don't want to learn some basic manners.


Trump is against N Carolina bill.  Wrong answer.  Like I said before, issues, issues , issues.  Not crap, crap, crap.  Stuff like this loses it for the Donald.  The right answer is that it is a local issue not a national issue.  Businesses, esp. corporations, should stay the hell out of it.

Conservatives lost me when they started getting diarrhea of the mouth.  Now it is Trump's turn, evidently.

It looks like neither one of them can get their poop together.


Trump is screwing red state conservatives in order to block out Kasich, who was expected to be his main competition in the blue, liberal northeastern states.  Trump has made the short term tactic of moving left against Kasich, because Cruz is going to be a non factor there.

Trump may be conceding Indiana, and a few other states that are left.  California is also Kasich country, so this positions him well in Collyfornia.

Something gave today on the political scene.  It is now definitely FUBAR.


Make that FUBAB.  Effed up beyond all belief.

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