Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why all the secrecy?

As those of you who are still with me, you may have noticed that blogging is rather light.

I've expressed a reluctance to disclose what I'm doing.  So, I'll just let the cat out of the bag.  Either way, the whole deal is a risky proposition.

What I've been doing is in connection to going off the grid.  It turns out that this land I've been talking about REALLY IS off the grid.  There's no power, no water, no electricity.  The place is so rural that it doesn't even have grocery stores for dozens, maybe over a hundred miles.  There is a hospital 50 miles away.

The flora and fauna of the area is not what you would consider prime for human consumption.  If you have an accident, you may not be able to get anyone to help you.  If you are alone, you may die.  This is very serious business with a lot of risk.

I bought the land.  I intend to occupy it.  But I realize in doing so, I am taking a lot of risk on my shoulders.  It will be necessary to be very, very careful.

It would be nice if I had some help.  But people are not likely to want to help me with this one.  My attitude is such that I don't seek help much and when I do, most of the time, it's refused.  I'm on my own.  Always have been.  Sure, I can get some help with easy things, but this is going to be tough.

I'm not asking for sympathy.  Just letting you know what the deal is in case you're interested.

I've explained in depth why I am doing this.  Maybe I am worrying too much about the future.  Perhaps I should stay where I am, and play it safe.  It is rather scary to go out on this land when there's nobody around for MILES.  I did it.  I took the risk and will again.  It might get me killed some day.  You never know.

It's all rather strange because it doesn't look as though I have to do this, but in another way, we may all have to do something like this if things really fall apart.  I'll be ahead of the game if I'm right.  If I'm wrong, I could be broke and/or dead.

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