Friday, May 16, 2014

Stream of Consciousness Post 5/16/14

Hmm.  Not sleepy tonight.  Here I am posting something and it's pretty dang early.  Okay, so what gives?

Not feeling sick.  So, it's not that.  No, just thinking.  Once my brain gets going, sometimes it's hard to stop it.  So, I'm thinking.

I trust thinking.  I don't trust feeling.  Yet my thoughts have fooled me when I should have listened to my feelings.  Go figure.

Seems like I'm running into a brick wall, and I don't get it.  Lots of cognitive dissonance.  Just as the psych theory suggests, I'm trying to reduce the dissonance, but that's where I run into the brick wall.

I don't like banging my head against brick walls.   It's only only good for a headache.  Headaches don't do anything for me.

Or maybe another metaphor would work better here.  Got a burr under my saddle.  If this old cowboy is going to stay in his saddle, better get rid of that burr.  One way or another, it's going to have to go.


Here's a thought:  What you see is what you get.

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