Saturday, May 3, 2014

GE Crushes Obama's War on Coal


This is generally a discussion about the reasons why this recovery has been much weaker than prior recoveries.  I wanted to comment upon the following:

Forget all the pie-in-the-sky stuff about redistributing the wealth to the poor nations in return for them pledging not to use coal, the up and coming nations are not going to pause to genuflect toward the environmental idolatry of the White House.

The War on Coal is a lie, and it has always been a lie
...---Charles Payne

Here, here.  According to a definition of wealth I supplied earlier, you cannot redistribute wealth.  You can only redistribute money.  That's because money is not wealth.  It takes skill to produce wealth.  It takes no appreciable skill to print paper money.  The skill has to get into somebody's brain first.  That's a lot harder than just giving the poor a pile of money.

The left has impoverishing this country for a long time now.  You won't be turning things around until they are gone, and you replace them with somebody who can get things moving in the right direction again.

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