Saturday, March 1, 2014

ParaPundit: Is The Decline Of The Middle Class A Crisis Of Capitalism?

ParaPundit: Is The Decline Of The Middle Class A Crisis Of Capitalism?

The author cites a New York Times piece that notes that capitalists can make a lot of money without employing a lot of people.

Bingo.  It is precisely this behavior that this same author advocates.  The way the author sees it is that the lower classes are foolish and keep electing irresponsible type leaders.  So, it's the poor people's fault.

However, too many in the upper classes don't really care about the poor, even though they may claim to.  They are simply using the poor as political advantage for themselves.  Lots of these rich "capitalists" are liberals.  It is a scam that they claiming to be "progressive" when they are only seeking advantage for themselves.  If the poor people are to blame, it is because they believe in these charlatans.  Who's at greater fault, the naive and foolish poor, or the devious rich?

The spread the wealth schemes are the bait that lures in the poor.  The poor shouldn't take that bait, but often it proves to be too irresistible.

The cure isn't spreading the wealth; but rather, it is in the creation of more of it.  Just because somebody is rich doesn't mean that they are creating wealth, in my opinion.  They are creating wealth for themselves, primarily.  If that wealth comes from something other than creating net wealth throughout a society, then all they are accomplishing is to suck wealth out of a community and taking it for themselves.  The creation of new wealth, should be the goal. You don't see this from left wing politicians.  They rely upon zero sum thinking, that claims that anybody's wealth must come from another.  This justifies their ideology.  Without that, how can you justify stealing someone's property and giving it to another?  The left wing just projects their own vices upon the rest of society and the country suffers from the lack of wealth creation.

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