Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gun-free zones

This may getting to be old news, but here goes anyway.  Governments can enforce gun-free zones if they wish.  If they don't enforce gun-free zones, it must be because they don't want to.

As for enforcement of gun-free zones, look at airport security.  Look at government buildings.  Those have metal detectors and guards.  Was there any metal detector or guard at Sandy Hook?  No.  Why not?

If they aren't going to enforce a gun-free zone with a guard and the necessary equipment, then the gun-free zone should not be valid.  Those who fail to enforce their own security have to accept the consequences of their failure.

But instead of that, we get an occasion to advocate gun-control as if it were some of great emergency.  There was gun-control out the wazoo in that blue state.  Their gun-control failed, so that is an excuse for more of the same?  The only emergency is how to get the most political mileage out of death that can be managed before the bodies get cold and laid to rest.


As long as this is WTF time, I'll add this update:

Senators, Hillary Miss The Point At Hearing

Dick Morris

Obama got away with a massive cover-up pure and simple and his escape was evident in the pathetic questioning and evasive answers in the Hillary Clinton testimony.

Do you think that ol' Dickie boy is starting to get suspicious about something?

Look, if the presidential candidate Romney wouldn't press Obama on Benghazi, why would these chuckleheads?  It is all a big dog-and-pony show which was designed to satisfy the public that "everything is being done" which is a complete lie.  Nothing is being done and nothing is going to be done.  DC is utterly lost and without foundation in both truth and integrity.

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