Monday, January 14, 2013

Chuck Hagel - It's the anti-Americanism, stupid

  • it is not at all surprising that Obama appointed Hagel
  • Hagel -- and Obama -- have bigger fish to fry than Israel. They are looking to take on the US military. They will slash military budgets, they will slash pensions and medical benefits for veterans in order to save a couple dollars and demoralize the military. They will unilaterally disarm the US to the point where America's antiquated nuclear arsenal will become a complete joke. And I don't see the military capable of stopping it. Anyone remember the F-22? 
  • By making this a story about Hagel the anti-Semite, nice senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain are obfuscating the main problem.[ emphasis added]
  • Obama, Hagel and their army of media outlets and operatives are setting Israel up to take the blame...The campaign against Hagel the anti-Semite just plays into that while hiding the real problem which is that he is anti-American.
  • this doesn't contradict my point about Israel not being the problem with Hagel. He is an anti-Semite. And for American Jewish groups to remain silent about his appointment is worse than irresponsible. It is treacherous.
Treachery is rampant in this country.  That's why our continued survival is very much at stake.  But nobody believes that.  They believe what they are told to believe.

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