Thursday, July 12, 2012

Taxes and Trust - The Achilles Heels of Obamacare and Obama, Part II

Free Republic via Breitbart

By raising the specific issue of the tax, Republicans can also raise the specific--and scary--issue of an engorged IRS, engorged by the need to enforce the new tax. Thus, by voting solely against the tax, Republicans can also vote to strip the power of the IRS to snoop through every American’s personal and medical records in the name of enforcing ObamaTax.

A better solution would have been to declare it unconstitutional, which it is.  Now we are reduced to calling a penalty a tax, and then trying to craft a campaign upon it.   You can call it whatever you wish, but the bill is rotten to the core.  The reason that it is rotten to the core is explained in the article.  To be brief, it is thus: it is an attempt by the left of self aggrandizement under the guise of improving matters for the average folks.  It does no such thing.  It makes matters far worse.  It is bad policy through and through.

An honest explanation is better than political spin.  But the challenge is greater.  Unfortunately, that is the predicament that the Supreme Court has put us into.

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