Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Netanyahu Controls Obama’s Fate



Can a calculation like this be wrong?
If Israel attacks Iran, she will achieve three things:

a. Israel will buy time by delaying the Iranian nuclear program by one to three years.
b. Those extra years will give the effective sanctions, only now being imposed, time to work.
c. The resulting increase in the price of oil – and its impact on the American economy – will doom Obama’s re-election chances, assuring that a pro-Israeli Republican Administration takes power.
Do people react in predictable ways?  If it happens this way, Morris will smarter than I thought possible for a human being to be.  He will be able to predict mass behavior in a God like manner, particularly "c".  On the other hand, if he's wrong ( about the results of an attack) , Iran will have the bomb anyway, sanctions will be irrelevant, and Obama could easily win- because that will be seen as a failed Republican idea.

He's probably right that Obama will do nothing.  But pushing Obama into acting may also carry risks.

There's no guarantee in any of this.  There's not much at all that can be done.  For better or worse, it's pretty much in Obama's hands.

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