Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why Obama wants Romney

There's a school of thought that Obama wanted McCain last time.  The reason is that he could muddy the waters on the "natural born citizen" eligibility clause in the Constitution.  This rises to the level of a major scandal if enough people wake up in time.

What does that have to do with Romney?  Well, let's look at a quick review of what natural born citizen means, and what it doesn't mean.  It doesn't mean just plain old citizen.  It doesn't mean just plain old naturalized citizen.  It doesn't mean just plain old mother is a citizen and child born in the USA.  If it did, Obama is qualified.  No, it means more than that.  It means mommy and daddy are both citizens at the time of birth and also that the birth is in the USA.  Obama doesn't qualify because his daddy wasn't a citizen.

This can be used to muddy the water with Romney in the same way as it was with McCain.  Romney could still be qualified, but if it became an issue, the fact that Romney's daddy wasn't born in the USA could be used to confuse voters.

Just one more reason to oppose Romney.  He really can't use a killer argument against Obama because it may well be employed against himself in turn.  That's what Obama is counting on.  Plus all of the usual suspects are counting on that too.

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