Monday, March 28, 2011

Nonprofit, part 3

The third of the series, in which I am exploring the idea of creating a non profit organization for the furtherance of promoting one of the ideas presented here thus far in this blog.

After a thought, I am considering including a generalized concept of promoting proposed solutions to the energy problem which the country (and the world) faces today.  If it were to be generalized, why not bring the entire blog under the umbrella of the nonprofit organization?  To put it a bit facetiously, this blog is already non profit.  It certainly qualifies in that regard.

If I were to do this, then the donation button on this page will be changed to the nonprofit as means of fundraising for that cause.  The money would not go to me.  Inasmuch as that attempt has been a failure, I suppose this way can be tried and see if it can actually generate some income.  Not for me, mind you, but for the cause.  For my own part, I will have to work as usual at a real job.  But that doesn't have to begin right now.  I have time to set this up and see what happens.  If it gets a similar response to what has been the case so far, it may not have a long life.  On the other hand, if it is successful, it may become self supporting and could actually hire people.  (gasp)  But that is probably a long shot, so we'll let that slide for the time being.

I might want to reiterate that the purpose of this is not to support me, but to support the cause.  Meaning the only reason to hire anybody is if somebody is actually needed to do what is necessary.  In the beginning, 100 percent of any donations will go to the cause.  Or as close to 100 percent as I can get.  No personal expenses will be taken out.  Expenses should be low in the beginning.  I'm going to have to keep it that way.

I should also say that I haven't made any decisions yet.  Just thought I would share some thoughts in case anyone is interested.

Note:  I have added another label for easy reference to all posts of this type in the future.  (Nonprofit organization)

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