Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Quantum Leap?

You know, space is a pretty interesting topic.  I think I will stay on that
topic, but not be a totally exclusive topic on this blog.  I'm interested in
other topics to be sure, but I think I will always return to this subject
because I think it is important.

Having said that, I will move on a bit and discuss something else that has
caught my attention from time to time.  And, yes, it can bear upon the subject
of space.  This would be the subject of quantum computers.  But even more than
that, the subject of quantum mechanics.

Let me start with the disclaimer that I am not at all well versed in the subject.
Not on quantum mechanics in general, nor in quantum computers in particular.

Another thing about this blog.  People may scoff at what I write because I am not
an expert.  And that is ok.  I'm not an expert, nor do I want to pretend to be.
Just an casual observer with my own twist to a subject.  You can take it as
you please.

While I was reading about quantum mechanics this morning, an idea came to me that
just blew my mind.  What idea is that?  The ability to communicate at great
distances using the concept of entanglement.  I know that there are those who
say it can't be done.  Just asking the question, "what if it could?".

What I read was this, you can't transmit information that way because it violates
relativity.  But I thought, not necessarily.  Let's look at how we all communicate
using the internet.  In order to send a message from one side of the world to the
other, we use the electromagnetic spectrum.  You don't attach a message to an
electron and send it across the world.  You merely manipulate the electromagnetic
spectrum in predictable ways.  By doing so, you can encode messages this way,
and decode them at the receiving end.  Nothing gets sent, only a representation
of it by a preestablished set of rules all established in advance.

Couldn't you do the same with the concept of entanglement?  According to what I
read, that answer is no.  But being a bit stubborn, I continued thinking about it.
I came across these experiments with teleportation.  Supposedly this has been done.
That is, the teleportation of quantum states, if I am not mistaken.  Also, if this
is true, then you should be able to construct a communication device.  It wouldn't
violate relativity, it would just manipulate the states in predictable ways as
in the example I gave above.

If teleportation of quantum states is real, then you know how to get a quantum
state from one location to another.  According to what I read, this can only be
done for short distances.  But what if it could be done at great distances?  There
is one estimate that this entanglement can take place at 10,000 times the speed
of light.  Now, I don't know if I got that right, nor do I know if that is true
or not.  I can't evaluate it one way or another.  But if it is true, then could
you have the basis for a communication device that can be used to communicate
in interplanetary distances and maybe even interstellar distances?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you hear me now takes on a greater meaning. What's the warp factor of 10,000 times the speed of light and how can Obama Tax it? I'm not sure I need to talk to anybody on Pluto, but damn it I want to.