Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Let's see here. In Alabama, a number of years ago, a big scandal erupted over a candidate dating a 14 year GIRL

But what does Tim Walz do?

It looks like a whole different ballgame here...

Can't even buy babies?

Maybe it boils down to economics. Or just the fact that the culture doesn't want them.

This FEMA stuff makes no sense

The closest thing I can figure from afar is that this may be a type of turf war. Seems like there's a report about Musk saying that the Feds are blocking Starlink access. That's very suspicious, like they're hiding something.

Another tweet here...

Launch seems to be a go for tomorrow morn


Here's another video of the Starship Heavy Booster coming down for the catch. That dern thing hit the bullseye!


10:45 AM

Redstate has another interesting angle on the catch, wider view (Kimbal Musk tweet)

10:00 AM:

This is a pretty good recap of the booster catch, so I'll embed it:

The second stage landing in the Indian Ocean was not perfect, but better than before. There was a little burn through, but it went pretty well. But not perfect. It's getting there.

8:40 AM:

I just spent the first part of the morning watching this. It has just concluded in a spectacular achievement for SpaceX.

More commentary later.


Launch set! FAA issues license. Not necessarily discussed on this video, but on others. I'm listening to this one while typing this post in. Trying to write up this post as quickly as possible. On Windows for this post, not Linux. By the way, today is Columbus Day. It used to have a lot more prestige, but this day has fallen upon hard times, as Columbus is in the cultural doghouse. Screw the culture.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Big Tech and their henchmen want to re-open Three Mile Island

Do not misunderstand. There is no change in my principles. Nuclear power can be a good thing for society. But DO note what they want it FOR.

WE sure the hell can't have it, but THEY sure can.

'Nuff said.

A big cover-up? Take a number.

I've been busy this morning with mundane chores.

Just before I had to go somewhere, I saw something that blew me away. One thing about it, it isn't confirmed. But if it is true, it would be shocking. Or should be.

The thing I saw was that the number of dead in the Hurricane Helene aftermath has been greatly underestimated. The numbers could be in the thousands. Even tens of thousands.

But it isn't confirmed. Certainly not in the media. If it were true as can be, they'd sit on it until AFTER THE ELECTION. That much is certain. They've been sitting on major news of all kinds, as anyone with eyes and ears would know.

The worst natural disaster in history happened in Galveston Texas in the 1900 hurricane. I think there were 6000 deaths. Indeed, it is a required part of your reading in Texas History class back in the day. That's because I remember reading about it. Heck, even today you can go down Broadway ( the main drag ) in Galveston, and see this HUGE friggin' graveyard. That will etch it in your memory if nothing else does. There are plenty of towns in Texas of comparable size to Galveston, but you won't see a massive graveyard in any of those towns.

Imagine something much bigger than that in this day and age.

But if the media is covering it up, that would be even worse. One for the history books. Think about it.

Why repeat that rumor here? Even though infastructure has been taken out, there are people on the ground with internet access through Starlink. If anybody there is seeing anything like this, why not report it to the world?

So it may not be true. But what if it is???

Wall Street Did It?

Update to post of 10/22/11

This is one of the most clicked on posts in the history of this blog. However, there's a problem here. The link is now dead. Fortunately, my memory is not dead. Yet.

A little history here: We got Obama because the economy crashed in 2008, remember? Obama came in on his white horse to save us all. /spit

There has been some suspicions expressed ( but not linked here because it is only in my noggin ) that Wall Street manufactured the economic crisis in order to bring the Democrats back into power. As many may recall, the Democrats had some difficulties in the aftermath of 9/11/2001.

I always wondered about that. George W. Bush had 90% approval, and it all drained away over the course of his presidency. The economic collapse helped cement the downfall, and thus ushered in the Obama presidency.

Trump arrives and the Deep State goes on the warpath. Again, there is some suspicion that the COVID madness was engineered in order to get rid of Trump. Also a great deal of suspicion that the election in 2020 was stolen. And none other than yours truly believes that the "Insurrection" was a false flag.

Does anyone see a pattern here?

The political left will cry "conspiwacy teowy" every time someone gets suspicious. It does seem like the crises are being manufactured somehow.

I'm not going to shut up about it just because some pinkos decide to try to cancel me out of existence. The fact of the matter is that these things happened, and if there's an explanation for it, we ought to find out. Mere denials are not proof. Mere denials do not debunk the theories.

There's no theory about assassination attempts. Nor was there any doubting about the drive towards censorship. Toss in the talk about the Constitution being out of date and such, and it may not be out of line to suggest that it may well be a plan in action to overthrow the government.

Just tossing that idea into the mix. It has already been expressed here on this here blog, anyway. So it is not new.


Latest Headlines - Investors.com

  • While not blameless, Wall Street is an easy scapegoat.
  • The problem was the underlying assets: low-quality mortgages.
  • The Democratic National Committee has launched a coordinated attack with the Obama re-election campaign to link GOP candidates closer to Wall Street and the crisis.
Ronald Reagan used to quote Edmund Burke who said- "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."   Obama and the left are blaming others for what is their own doing.  The media won't report it, but those who visit these blogs can, and hopefully pass the word along.

Rob Braxman --- Dual boot to save your data from Windows


Here's another video that can go along with it. It is a brief Linux tutorial.


Windows really sucks. This will save you from their evil AI.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kamala Harris isn't middle class as she claims, ...

She's a shape shifter.

Kamala has been failing upwards her entire career...

Got outsmarted by a guy with dementia.

Cave men just don't wanna be commie pinko fags

We see you, but we don't wanna be you.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Did you know the facts presented in this video?

Except for the part that he is a commie. I knew that. But what I didn't know is how rich he was. He inherited a ton on money from his adoptive father. That according to Judge Joe Brown here.

Imagine the class warfare crap that the Dems laid on Mitt Romney for being rich, and their boy, Barack Hussein is even richer than Romney. Hoo boy. I don't like Romney, but at least Romney EARNED his money.

Vance is looking good

Who's the general of that thar Army?

The article cites yet another poll.

If the poll is correct, then Kamala Harris must be in deep-doo-doo.

But what if the polls are wrong?

I keep my powder dry. Forget the damned polls. Reply to Harris' demand for another chance to debate on Fox, which she already refused, by inviting her to say why Obama is now talking for her. Who's running for President? HMMMM?

The Texas Revolution, The Battle of San Jacinto

War Hawk Channel, YouTube

This is probably about as accurate of a history as you are going to get. Keeping in mind that the victor writes the history books.

Basically, Sam Houston outgeneraled Santa Anna. The rest of the story is mere detail.

What does this have to do with today's events? Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything.

Conspiwicy Teories

Poking a bit of fun at the pinkos for their contant whining about somebody out there telling the truth about them.

But the problem isn't just with the pinkos. It is with the miscalled opposition. That's because, let's face it, nobody really gives a flip. They're all protecting their "rice bowls".

Here's how I can say that with confidence. You say things are bad. The polls say things are on the wrong track. The polls consistently have said that for YEARS. Both major candidates say that this election is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAH. This gets echoed everywhere in the media, including the alternative media.

So what gets discussed. POLLS! POLLS, POLLS. What the hell does polls got to do with any friggin' thing?

If you want to get some ideas across, you couldn't do a worse job than to discuss poll numbers all the friggin' time. Very little of that discussion of issues goes on anywhere. When a serious question gets asked of Harris, there's not much follow up. Just more word salads. Not here either. A lot of bitching about the word salads, but where's the discussion that Harris won't talk about? Trump is talking about things. But I don't really follow that.

So Ima gon to change that.

Or try to.

One thing that Trump proposed, in terms of actually changing things, is to put up the networks licenses up for new bids. Yep! If the media isn't allowed to broadcast anymore the way that they do, MAYBE we can get something more than media events, as opposed to actual debates and actual interviews. This is a change as opposed to the current system of dueling echo chambers.

Nothing is getting discussed the way that it should be. Instead we get canned interviews from the Harris campaign, and the so-called right has its own space. We aren't having a discussion. We are having dueling echo chambers that do nothing but talk about polls and how they other guy sucks.

Little wonder then that nothing changes.

So, the one thing that Trump proposes is go after the major fake media. GOOD.

What does the Harris campaign want? To shut down the alternative media. Are the two equivalent? NO. The left wants no alternative views at all. Trump just wants the infernal system to be fair. Just like he wants FAIR elections. Of course, the modern left ( and the RINO accomplices ) don't want that.

You can tell from their interviews who's sincere and who isn't. Trump GAVE interviews to his critical media opponents. But that's all he can get from the MEDIA. Harris won't even go where she'll get a critical examination of her record and her ideas. That's the difference. But she's lying about it. At what time in this campaign has she ever faced any critical examination of anything she has said in the past or in the present for that matter? Even the Democrats are saying she's playing it too safe. But they'll vote for her anyway. So basically they're full of sheet.

Trump has a substantive proposal. So does Harris. But the talk is about polls. Let's see some real discussion out there. But that isn't happening. Just echo chambers and polls.  What do the polls do?  They drive the race for the eyeballs.  If the horse race is all you care about then you really don't care about fixing anything, do you?