Al Fin: "Cowboy Commentary", aka "Eat your veggies" The Flag banner is posted in order to defy those who would make patriotic symbols illegal or disreputable.
It's a version 2, which means it is a new design. Evidently, there's a persistent bug in the system, which is causing these RUDS. Of course, it could be something else entirely, but it does seem to have the same type of thing happening. Not much information available yet.
— OC Scanner 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 (@OC_Scanner) March 7, 2025
7:55 PM:
After a quick comparison between flight 7 and flight 8, the failure mode appears about the same time. Consequently, I am of the opinion now that they've made no progress in correcting the problem. This is most definitely going to set back the program. We'll see though.
The name "Data Republican" came up recently in connection to some event of some kind. Making note of it here. The accusations tweeted below are significant. I would say "bombshell", but that term has been overworked. Derrick Evans seems to have gotten himself a reputation.
Evans doesn't appear to be a savory character. Just an initial impression. But that criticism is based upon an incomplete research. I'm in a bit of a time-constraint at the moment, but I'd like to post this anyway. It may be significant. He is referred to as "far right", but ran as a Democrat until recently. Information isn't exactly accurate, I'd say. It's opaque. Maybe Evans is just an opportunist trying to make an name for himself.
Seems that when you start tracing this out, you waste a lot of time going down the rabbit hole. Staying with the Big Picture. I don't know who this guy really is, but he appears to be a partisan Republican now. This doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot, imo. Data Republican is into some stuff that I'm not familiar with. Cannot evaluate with it with what I've got handy.
There hasn't been enough of a follow up from me on this subject. Well, there's some discussion out there not covered here, and here's something I'll link to here.
Kirk Sorensen's response linked to above was to a guy that I've posted on recently. Turns out that Peter Zeihan is a Stratfor guy. I knew a little about Stratfor, so it wasn't unfamiliar territory for me.
Current events don't seem to revolve much around this, except maybe for data centers. Data Centers will need a lot of energy, and chemical based energy just isn't going to cut it these days, and so-called renewables are ridiculous in most contexts, especially data centers.
Here's Zeihan's video that Sorensen responded to.
I think the trouble is the lack of knowledge all along the continuum of the mindshare on the entire subject of energy. Throwing out some terms I've seen used, as you may note. Doesn't mean I understand them, but it may make me seem smart.
What I mean is, people need to smarten up out there. The solution is right in front of us, but we refuse to see it.
2:00 PM:
Here's another Kirk Sorensen video. If you listen to this guy enough, you will be a believer too.
Excellent educational video that will show you the advantages of the thorium molten salt reactor.
It is a very complex subject, but the material can be mastered and understood provided that the person is interested enough.
If you aren't interested, you are making a mistake. Polls show things are not on the right track. You cannot get back on the right track unless you understand why things are on the wrong track. Here is a video that will show you why we have been on the wrong track with regards to energy. This cascades into other areas. For example, if we had made the right decisions in the seventies, it would have avoided the Energy Crisis of the seventies, and possibly even the terrorism of the recent age.
We need this technology. The shame is that we could have had it forty years ago. It is still not too late.
This actually has a serious idea that I'd like to posit. I wrote about how Trump gets his adversaries to act in self-defeating ways. Here, Bluto gets the high-society wannabes to act silly. Trump gets his adversaries to engage in "food fights" too. It always ends badly for them, poor things.
It bears repeating, even at the risk of being tiresome. The speaker here is distinguishing between two different types of ores. There's an ore with Thorium in it, which also holds all of the Rare Earths we're looking for, and another without Thorium. This other kind is preferred for some strange reason, and consequently, we do not obtain the Rare Earths. It isn't from the lack of Monazite ore, in which the Thorium resides, it is because the regulators are prohibiting it due to the TINY amount of radiation that Thorium emits.
Pretty silly, eh? It isn't any more dangerous than all kinds of other things we already do, but it is prohibited as if it were some of the most dangerous substances out there.
A banana has more radioactivity in it than a equal mass of Thorium. It's dumb policy. The talk above is over 10 years old. Evidently, the policy still exists. But we can buy it from Ukraine! What nonsense.
With all the talk about rare earths these days, it seemed well to remind everyone that there is no shortage of rare earths in America. Instead, the shortage is in the brain power. Wherever you find Thorium, you find rare earths. There's a lot of thorium deposits in America. So all the talk is wrong anyway. Quick update: It should be mentioned that any offer to purchase any such thing from Ukraine is a total gift. One has to wonder why the offer was even made at all. There are two optional explanations: 1) stupidity, or 2) treason. Either one is not good.
On vivid display in the Jim Kennedy talk at TEAC4 last year. By the way, I'm going through each of these in sequence and this is the fifth of the series. Anyway, he closes with this one, enough to get this old man's blood pressure up through the roof. It should get yours up too if you care anything at all about our future.
All these comparisons of politicians with mob bosses brings this scene to mind. But is it really naive THESE days? After all that has happened? This movie was made over 50 years ago. Back then, you might have gotten an argument. I don't see how there is one in this age.
It's freaking TINY. It's the mini-me of asteroids. But if it is metallic, it would have a lot of mass.
A SpaceX rocket has launched Odin, a spacecraft built by startup AstroForge, on a mission to study asteroid 2022 OB5, which is 1 million miles from Earth.
Maybe the pattern won't hold. But let's identify the pattern. This requires something that Trump's adversaries don't do, which is to actually think. The way the Canadians are acting, and the Liberals here in the USA are acting, he's going to destroy them. He's going to destroy them while not even breaking a sweat.
But Trump had to get the nomination in 2016. If he didn't get the nomination back then, he doesn't win. If he didn't get the nomination in 2016, then he wouldn't have gotten it two more times. The point is that the GOP Establishment had the first crack at him, and failed miserably. Then the Democrats got a crack at him, and supposedly beat him in 2020. But in doing so, they are in the process of destroying themselves. That's a big hint right there. Trump gets his enemies to implode.
How does he do that? It's not like he's changed over the years. Take a look on YouTube. He hasn't exactly been hiding out all these years. If you look at what he said in the past, it was the same thing that he's been saying all along. Think about that. For forty years, they've been asking him about America and possibly running for President, and he's saying the same thing the whole time. But they couldn't stop him when he finally said something different, and that he WOULD run. They have no clue about how to handle the guy. No clue at all. You'd think after all that time to think about it, these guys could do a lot better, but they couldn't. They still can't.
In trying to stop Trump, they just destroyed themselves. Trump got them to do that. But how? Does anybody really know how he does it? Evidently not, but you can watch the way they act, and it does appear that their reaction is what causes them to fail. Trump gets them to react in self-destructive ways.
The Democrats have destroyed their credibility. The GOP Establishment has destroyed its credibility. Now he's got Canada doing it.
The result will be the same. Canada will fail. Trump will win out.
Why? I think he drives them bonkers. In a world like we live in, going bonkers is the way to disaster. Trump is driving the Canucks out of their friggin' minds. They may not know it now, but they are on the way down. That is, unless they are somehow different that everybody else Trump has conquered. The Canucks have given every indication that they've got no clue, either.
Think of this like the first scene in Godfather (1972 film). The undertaker wants the Don to punish the boys who ruined his daughter. But he goes about it the wrong way, and does not show proper respect. He could've walked away empty handed. Bonasera finally got it, and changed his approach in time to save his mission to get the Godfather's help. Zelensky failed badly here. Ukraine needed somebody to do a man's job, and they got nothing.
For me, it is all in what you expected from it. If you expected a lot more, and got a big goose egg,then it was a bad day. So whatcha think? A bad day? For me, I don't know what people were truly expecting. If you were expecting a lot, chances are that it was a bad day. To me, I was not expecting much, and it appears nothing much happened. No big surprise. They've had a LONG time to cover their tracks