Sunday, August 11, 2024

'Manmade Climate Change' Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns

'Manmade Climate Change' Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns


I've written a number of posts on the subject. For your information, I've collected the posts of the top five in terms of pageviews. ( whatever that means) By the way, the order is not necessarily in terms of pageviews, but in chronological order of the posts.

AGW Num. Short Description

________ __________________

105.....improper use of models

115.....AGW v the gas laws

116.....density of solids, liquids, and gases v retention of heat

117.....water vapor v carbon dioxide

120.....comparisons to Venus

My favorite, even though it isn't the favorite of anyone else, or so it seems:

Linear functions versus exponential functions.

Maybe the politics is more interesting to people than the science. Which only confirms the suspicion that AGW is bunk!

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