Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Failure theater, or is it for real?


Members of US House Rules Committee

It looks like a big defeat for the Chip Roy faction. The GOP voted 7-2 in favor of the deal, leaving only two members, including Roy, as opposed.

This is a big power test, as Roy could bring down McCarthy if he can keep enough GOP members together to force him out. If Roy folds, he loses big time, in my opinion. Likewise, if McCarthy loses, he loses big time. Which in the case of McCarthy, it could be a good deal for America.

It would be a good deal for this country because everything is fake. It is a fake deal to solve a real problem. The real problem is an out of control government. A fake deal does nothing to stop that. A good deal would stop feeding this beast, and thereby bringing it back under control.

If McCarthy is ousted, someone else has to replace him. If the GOP cannot come up with a Speaker, could the Dems take over? Well, if they do, that guy wouldn't have a majority behind him. He'd had to put up a coalition of some kind.

The GOP needs to stop messing around or there could be somebody worse than McCarthy. But my guess is that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. That's because whoever on the GOP side decides to join the Democrats, might as well be committing electoral suicide. In that scenario, with the Democrats calling the shots, there'd be a worse deal. If that happens, it would be McCarthy's fault, and his supporters for allowing it to happen. The results would be more turnover of these types, and have them replaced with others who could do better.

The GOP led House has already passed a bill. The Dem-controlled Senate won't take it up, so they're stuck. If McCarthy backs down, which he might if he is challenged hard enough, there won't be any deal at all. Which could be a good thing. The talk of default is fake. There have been shutdowns before, and there were no defaults. But even if there were defaults from those shutdowns, there was no doom. There won't be any doom this time either. Not only that, the longer the shutdowns persist, the better. It may bring some people to their senses. A better deal could be made, or even if not, the country's finances would IMPROVE.

The ball is in Chip Roy's side of the court now. If he fails, McCarthy looks stronger. That wouldn't be such a hot thing for the GOP or for the country. Hopefully, Chip Roy is the real deal, and he can bring down the House, so to speak.

The reason that Roy's gambit could work is because of the narrow majority. He is in a position of power even if he doesn't have that big of a faction. He only needs a few mavericks to bring down McCarthy. We'll see if they have the gonads to go through with it, or this could be just another scene in the perpetual kabuki theater.

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