Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Out wolf the wolf, out fox the fox

Out wolf the wolf, out fox the fox

Here's a link that says what I've been saying. Actually it doesn't say what's in the link's text about "out wolf the wolf", but that's my take on it. It is just another way of saying it.

The Direction of Country Poll is at 35 percent and Biden's Rassmussen numbers are at 48 percent. People are clinging to what doesn't work, and giving their approval to what they don't like because they fear something new. So the left says the opposition is fascist, and nobody wants a new Hitler. Hitler was a wolf, yet these people who claim to be conservative never learn their lessons. The let the left label them as fascist because they really aren't interested in winning this fight against the wolf. The political left is the wolf, just as much as Hitler was.

Somebody reading the "out wolf the wolf" will get scared because they think it means war. But it doesn't. Nor is there anybody in the opposition who are remotely fascist. But the fear works. The left used it during COVID. If they can scare you into submission, they've won. Yes, they are winning because those who claim to be conservative aren't really. The let themselves be defined as dangerous, and then the opposition just walks right into the trap. "We the People" are the opposition that the wolf wants to overcome. Too bad the "thought leaders" are serving "we the people" on the platter for the wolfish element.

Out wolfing the wolf means to defeat the wolf. It doesn't mean becoming the wolf. A "sheep dog" can protect the sheep without being a wolf. The thing that makes a wolf a wolf, is that the wolf cares nothing for the sheep. Our so-called public servants are nothing but wolves. They pretend to care about such things as rule of law and democracy, but they don't. Out wolfing the wolf means to defeat the wolves in their attempts to subjugate and rule over WE The People with an iron fist. Out wolfing the wolf means keeping our freedom. It doesn't mean allowing yourself to be herded into a big pack of frightened sheep.

Again and again I see the so-called conservatives missing the mark. One of the latest things is the "national divorce". That isn't out wolfing the wolf. It's falling right into the wolf's fangs. Now the wolves can scare all the sheep into their clutches. People fear the unknown, and telling them to break up the country will only drive the sheep into the clutches of the wolf. It is almost as those who are saying such things actually WANT THIS OUTCOME. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

Yes, think about that one. Those who use the right versus left argument aren't conservatives. That is just playing into the wolf's clutches too. It is the Marxist paradigm that the Marxists want everybody to subscribe to. Why play on their turf? This isn't out wolfing the wolf by playing the wolf's games.

Sun Tsu said you have to know your enemy. If you play the wolf's game, you don't know the wolf or yourself. You have no chance. We the people are the opposition that the wolf has to overcome.

Unless you get free of the wolf's games you will lose the game. The National Divorce just plays into the hands of the wolves. It's dumb, or its just another wolf scaring the sheep. Either way its bad. Either way, it's a losing strategy. You have to wonder why "thought leaders" are using this strategy. Are they really that dumb?

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