Friday, March 10, 2023

Bad feeling about this...


Sorry about the movie references, guess I just can't help myself.

A couple things here guaranteed to make you worry...

The bank failure in Silicon Valley described as "scary". I'd say. I smell a bailout, and soon. In fact, the Fed has taken it over already. The problem is, they have to make good on some big time money deposits. This means that an infusion of money must take place, or a lot of people will have lost their asse(t)s. The government has already spent like a drunken sailor, where's all this money going to come from?

The second thing is that Iran and Saudi have resumed diplomatic relations. This is just another nail in the coffin of the US Dollar. I think people are going to learn soon what that means. It isn't going to be a beautiful thing.

Meanwhile, we have a very fat, very dumb, and very happy country. What happens to that when the previously digested food hits the air recirculation device? Hmmm????

Joe Biden at 50% approval. Well, I guess he'll find somebody to blame.

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