Sunday, February 19, 2023

Greens are against everything, and why nobody should be surprised


Greens are against everything

It may be hard to find on this blog, but I am pretty sure that I expressed the sentiment at least once-- that the environmentalists will ultimately be against EVERYTHING. That especially includes such things as electric cars.

It's not an original thought. If you read the book that the late Rush Limbaugh recommended-- Trashing the Planet--, then you'll read about the deep ecology movement. These deep ecologists would like for us all to return to the caveman lifestyle of the Stone Age.

Incidentally, I just scanned my own blog to find something that comes close to what I just wrote. Here is something:

decades of alarmism

This may allow me to segue into something that I read on the webs recently in reference to something on a Bongino podcast. It was about how the left seems to be able to take over things like Wikipedia. I've expressed a theory for that one too. They are wolves, and the sheep doesn't know how to deal with a wolf. It's the Aesop Fable about how force gets the better of an argument. You cannot argue with a wolf. You have to deal with the wolf on the wolf's terms. In other words, you have to kick their asses.

Conservatives won't even think about that one. Meanwhile, communism marches on...

There was the sentiment that Wikipedia falls to the left because the left likes to argue, as to oppose to the so-called "right", who like to be productive... Nope. About all the so-called right does is TALK. They never do what they claim to be for, because the so-called right won Congress and the Presidency in 2016, yet couldn't do a damned thing to roll back the left's gains. The "right" is just as fake as the "left". As a matter of fact, it is another one of my observations that Reagan articulated in The Speech. Yet, Limbaugh would refer to Reagan as a hero. He wouldn't learn what Reagan said about "right v left". Reagan said there was no such thing, it is about freedom or tyranny. Why can't the thought leaders grasp this? The "wolf" is the tyrant class. The sheep is everybody else. If there is nobody willing to take on the wolf, then the wolf wins by default. Sheepsville is where conservatism seems to live. They seem to be content to be sheep.

You know what happens to the sheep. If you're content with being one, don't be shocked to find yourself on the wolf's menu.

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