Monday, February 13, 2023

Balloon Wars

It's been in the news lately, these balloons. Or whatever they are. People seem concerned about them. Actually, Brandon should have shot the darned thing down.

Now Brandon has declared war on all of whatever these things are. It's like he has declared war on ET ( The Extraterrestrial creature in a Steve Spielberg movie). What's with Brandon, eh? He screws up something, and now he has to prove something? He's on the job, killing those nasty balloons. He wants the world to know.

The idea of calling these "UFO's" seems a part of the strategy. We're fighting in a new war of the worlds. One of these will open up someday, and a creature will come out and say "ackackack". If you send a nuke after it, it will sip it all down like a cool one, and say that it was mighty fine, except it will still sound like "ackackack".

Then they will try to make peace with the creatures, and they will visit Congress. All of the sudden, they will start killing everybody in sight, and Brandon will say that even though we lost a branch of government, we still have two more, and 2 out 3 ain't bad.

Maybe they should try to sic Slim Whitman on them. It seems to have worked before.

When it is all over, they can make movies out of it. The merchandising will be fantastic. You could make a fortune out of this thing...

Yeah, I'm making fun of Brandon a bit. There's probably a reasonable explanation for all of this, but with Brandon, that is the least likely thing you'll hear. Instead, you'll hear about UFOs or some thing.

There's a moral in there somewhere, but I don't suppose one in a million will find it.


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