Thursday, December 8, 2022

Assorted links December 8th 2022

Artificial intelligence : Good or bad?

Comment: Here's something to worry about. But I've been worried about it for years now. As soon as these people looked like they were going to make self-driving cars, I figured my job was going to be made obsolete. It's a lot worse than that. Human beings may be made obsolete. Something that these developers need very much to be aware of, but probably aren't sufficiently so.

Indian reservation life

Comment: Here's a video that cuts to the chase without bullshit. Too bad our media isn't like this.

Update on Spacex Starship

Comment: I've wasted a lot of time on click bait posts on youtube in an attempt to get this kind of information. Behind the Black blog has a good link here that tells what's going on.

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