Monday, October 17, 2022

A few more thoughts on a recent subject

After writing that I wouldn't go back into the JFK assassination business, here I am again doing it. If I were to post anything about it, it wouldn't be the same as before. The facts are out there for anybody to consider, and come to their own conclusions. No need to belabor it.

After re-reading some of the narrative once again, something struck me. The Dallas Police sure did talk a lot about the investigation. In fact, I think they talked way the hell too much. They even got a call from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, to knock it off.

It makes me wonder if all this excessive talk about the case contributed to the additional tragedy of Oswald himself being murdered. Without this element, the talk of conspiracy wouldn't have had much of a leg to stand on.

Oswald was being tried in the media. That should not have happened. His face was being plastered all over the place, and his name was on everybody's lips. There was no way this could have been presented to a jury that had no knowledge of him at all. In other words, Oswald could easily claim that he couldn't get a fair trial. Even worse, there were a lot of people who wanted him dead. There were death threats. It shouldn't be too surprising that he did get murdered.

There was a media circus inside of the Dallas Police Station. That shouldn't have happened either. Make what you will of that, but I say that there was plenty of incompetence in those days. The incompetence made things much, much worse.

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