Tuesday, July 27, 2021

To fight commies you need to know them

Back to Sun Tzu, who said you need to know your enemy. If you don't know your enemy, you are at great risk of losing. If you don't know yourself, and you don't know your enemy, then you have no chance. Therefore, where do you go for guidance on fighting the enemy?

Ronald Reagan had success in defeating the communists during the Cold War. He knew what he was doing. Those who came before did not. When Reagan gave his speech in support of Goldwater, Goldwater's aides were in a panic. But Goldwater didn't panic, and watched the speech himself. He then responded with the question: what's wrong with it? There wasn't anything wrong with it, but there was a lot of steel and spunk in that speech. This is what is necessary to fight communists, and Reagan provided it--and more.

Another source is David Horowitz of FrontPageMag dot com. He was once a "red diaper baby" himself. He was raised on that ideology, and he knows the way they are. Horowitz once said that conservatives do not know how to fight the commies. He was right. Conservatives are not doing well enough. Those who want to keep their freedom must fight better and with more determination, intelligence, and zeal.

Communists try to wear you down with a relentless attack. If you aren't prepared, you may succumb to their onslaught. It is definitely a war, and it requires a lot of determination and preparation in order to fend off the attacks, and deliver some devastating blows of your own. The greatest blow of all is that Communism is a lie. Truth is their greatest enemy, especially in the hands of a determined fighter. Become one and defeat these fiendish monsters.

Communists will try to disarm you. You must not let that happen. First they disarm you mentally and emotionally. Then they will disarm you physically. If they succeed at that, you are in grave danger of being subjugated. But the attacks don't stop. All attempts to defend yourself with be subjected to a withering and debilitating attack. It will a psychological abuse that will be hard to withstand. But it can and must be done.

There was a movie I saw once, which told the story of Patty Hearst. Patty Hearst was captured by the so-called Symbionese Liberation Army. It was a commie front, and the movie showed how she was subjugated. Actually, the subjugation was a type of brain-washing, in which she was locked up in a closet, and had to endure privation to weaken her. She was then more receptive to their message. She began to identify with a captors, which is the hallmark of the Stockholm Syndrome. She took on a new identity and adopted a new name---Tanya. She became one of them.

This example in the movie relates to a real-world event. Patty Hearst went on a crime spree with her captors, but was eventually caught and put on trial. Her defense was brainwashing, but she was convicted anyway. Patty Hearst really was brainwashed, in my opinion, as she did not know how to fight back against that type of subjugation. Eventually she was pardoned for her crimes.

Tucker Carlson's experience is another example. He will now be subjected to a withering assault. Time will tell how he endures, but if he doesn't, they will have another scalp. Part of that withering assault has come from the government itself. The government is out of control, because they have been infiltrated by the commies. The tactics against Tucker Carlson are very much like the tactics of communists. It would be wise to heed this warning. They are telling us all who they are by what they are doing.

To unmask Carlson was a reckless and illegal act. This is in violation of the law. Those who are responsible are in government, and make no mistake, this is a government operation. The man who confronted Carlson worked for the government, it has been confirmed. He was with the CIA. This shows the government connection. The effort to confront and subject Carlson to an attack is a classic commie subjugation move. The effort is to silence him, for the commies cannot stand for the truth about them to be revealed.

Commies adopt the power of the mob to subjugate the individual. This is the same kind of tactic that was employed against Patty Hearst. If you don't think that this is effective, then why is it employed so often? It needs to be recognized early and called out for what it is. It's a commie plot to silence Carlson because he is a threat to them. Truth is not the commies' friend. The commies themselves are nobody's friend. Not even to each other. They'll call each other fascists. They will destroy each other, but not before they destroy you first.

The attacks will be relentless until they are either defeated or we are. Make no mistake, this is a war. If you don't know their tactics, you are at a clear disadvantage. The commies will make the most of these opportunities, and use that to subjugate as many as they can. This must be resisted at all costs. The alternative is unthinkable.

The commies will say that is evil, because to resist them is evil. If the commies are so good, then why do they have to lie? They have to lie, because to make war, lies are absolutely vital. Sun Tzu said that war is all about deception. Do not let them deceive you. They are not our friends. They are nobody's friend. They will destroy anybody and anything in their way. For their way is dominance and control. This is the war of perpetual warfare, which feeds their ideology. Fear is their primary weapon. Dominance and control is their objective.

So they will disarm you mentally, then physically. They will start by saying you have no moral right to self-defense. This is the first lie. They may use other tactics to try to get you to disarm so that you will be in their power. Do not fall for these tricks. You must be strong as this will test everyone to their limits.

Carlson may have been chosen because of his prominence. The same was true of Donald Trump. The same will be true of anybody who opposes them. You cannot rely upon others to defend you. You must learn the ways of defense yourself, and never let them tell you that you have no right to that.

Communism is a lie which always leads to misery and death. To resist is the highest form of patriotism and humanity. Communism is a lie, and their proponents are lying, filthy pigs. Remember that when they start their name-calling, and return the favor! Fight back. Don't let them turn you into one of them.

Communism needs the illusion of inevitability. They cannot stand the notion that they can be defeated because it destroys their delusions. Communism needs illusions and delusions to survive. But such evil does not deserve to live. It can and should be eradicated because of its evil. Otherwise, they will destroy everyone and everything. There is no other way for them to exist.

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