Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The truth

What is truth? Uh, oh. Back to that question. What does the dictionary say? The ones I am reading are circular. Ooops! Does anyone know what the truth is???

These days, the truth seems to be tribal. It is whatever the tribe says that it is. For me, truth is a quality of being that cannot be contradicted. For example, "water is wet". If you jump into a swimming pool, you'll get wet. If you don't come out of the rain, you will get wet. Wet is wet. There is no debate about that, unless you are crazy.

The gender issue used to be like that. Male was male. Female was female. There were two sexes, or the word we use today --- "gender". Now it is an issue because a tribe has made it an issue. It didn't use to be the case. Sex was sex. You were male or you were female. Case closed. That was the truth of the matter.

Truth itself is now debatable. Anything is debatable, or so it seems. Now we have two tribes arguing about what truth is.

Get down to basics, if you can. Is water wet or not? Do you want to fight over that?

Word definitions may be at the heart of the trouble. You have to have a common understanding of what the words mean.

The people who push the several genders arguments are really talking about social constructs, not biology. If the argument is about what males and females are like, that's one argument. But the other argument is the "x" and "y"'s of biological determination. Two "x"'s means female, one "x" and 1 "y" means male. This is immutable fact. Everything else devolves around the opinions of what that means.

So far, males cannot give birth, or get pregnant. Females cannot impregnate other females. Only males can do that to females. That's the way the biology works. Bruce Jenner impregnated a woman who had his children. No woman can do that regardless of whether Bruce Jenner thinks about being a man when he prefers to be a woman. He is arguing with his biology.

There was a guy down the street when I was back in Houston who was from Iran. He told me that he left that country because the people there believe two plus two equals five. I told him that we have a lot of those people here too.

There are those in academia who are teaching that rational thought is a "patriarchal" thing. If the patriarchal thing is bad, then that must make rational thought bad. This is why I say that the left is teaching people to become blithering idiots. Can idiots know anything when they insist upon being irrational?

Is the COVID thing over? It seems that Democrats believe that it isn't. The GOP mostly believes that it is over. What is the truth of that matter? Well, if you are outnumbered and the most people want to believe that it isn't over, then it isn't over. It's a political argument, not a public health issue.

But what is the truth of the matter? What are we really arguing about? Whether or not people get sick or not? There can be no argument there. People always get sick, and some of them may die. Nobody has figured out how to live forever.

Is the argument about what to do about it? Does wearing a mask work, or does it make you feel good about yourself because it shows that you CARE? If the masks don't work and are counter-productive, caring only gets you sicker. If that's the case, I'd rather not care. I don't give a shit what you think about that.

If you really want to care about something, why not care about the use of words, and the use of discourse. If the idea is to reach agreements and consensus, then we need to find common areas that we can agree on. It seems that people out there are finding the opposite and looking for excuses to fight over it.

We cannot shut everything down forever. Can anybody agree upon that one? Or does everything have to degenerate into a fight? The people who are looking for a fight might need to get one to be satisfied.

What is the truth of the matter? Do these people constantly and forever want to provoke a fight. If that is the case, maybe it is high time to recognize that truth, and get to the point of the matter.

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