Tuesday, February 23, 2021

No excuses


No excuses

Morris' opinion sounds like excuses. If the Democrats threatened the Court, then why didn't they defy them anyway? To protect the institution? What good is the institution if it can be so easily intimidated? If the Dems made good their threat, it would have made it more obvious about what they are up to. Therefore, a strong stand is what was needed.

There were no excuses for this. The much heralded "conservative" majority is neither conservative, nor a majority. You could have gotten a ruling like this from a Hillary- appointed SCOTUS. They are totally useless and worthless.

Some folks are giving Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch credit. They don't deserve any credit either because all they agreed to with regards to the Texas suit was that they would hear it, not grant any relief.

Utter and complete failures. A disgrace to themselves and to the country.

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