Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fight the power


Today's the day to tighten up some loose ends. A short time ago, I decided to change banks from the too-big-to-fail to a local bank. This involved a lot more than a few words written here. That part is wrapping up, as the move is swinging into the final turn.

As for the rest of my "fighting-the-power" program, I'm still not watching any TeeVee. No TeeVee for a long time now, or it seems like a long time. No football nor sports. Heck, not even Star Trek. I'm really depriving myself for the cause. ( lol )

Still avoiding the Big Box stores, but that is also easier said than done too. Sometimes you just have to use them.

My off-grid project is an even better way to fight the power. If you can separate from the commercialism that is driving the madness of late, all the better. My efforts along these lines should pay off eventually. One of these days...

As for the timing of that, it seems like always two years out. The dates keep moving back. So at some point the date for that event will have to stop moving into the future, and the future will have to become now. But not RIGHT NOW. Nope. Still got a ways to go. Hmm. Maybe next year. Not this year.

The Xbox fits into that. At the moment, I am into that heavily. It may not sound like a serious thing, though. It would be easy to not take it seriously, I suppose.

The project goes on. That is all.

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