Monday, July 20, 2020

The crisis that wasn't

Just heard something incredible this morning. Some lessons to be learned from that is to stop paying attention to the news. The news is unreliable. Instead, follow what your friends and neighbors experience first-hand.

The fact is, anybody can say anything. But the people closest to you can't lie and get away with it so easily. The reason is that if somebody claims that they got COVID-19 and didn't, and this person was a friend, neighbor, or family member, you'd be able to discern the lie pretty easily.

We trust the news because in years past, maybe many years past, it was considered reliable. I'm here to tell you that it isn't.

Okay, what I heard was that there weren't any new cases in this county. They were listed as "new" because they "believe" that this many people should have come into contact with those who did have the virus. Got that? No actual cases. Nobody showed up at a doctor's office sick. They just assume that these people got it, and those will now be considered "cases".

They are making up stuff out of thin air.

Get away from the TV and just ask friends, neighbors, and family if they are okay. Check through the "grapevine" and see if there really is a "crisis" out there.

My guess is that there is no health care crisis, nor was there ever one.

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