Sunday, July 12, 2020

Facts based or fear based?

A link by way of Barnhardt shows the scamdemic really is a scam.

Basically, it says the doctors know better, but they are afraid for their careers.  They are aiding and abetting a lie.

It makes sense.  People get intimidated and they do what they are told.  Doctors are helping the scam by saying things that are not so.

People are suckers for authority.  How do I know that?  It was written about many years ago, and I came across it.  Respect for authority is hard-wired into human beings.  If the authorities tell you something, it is almost a knee-jerk reaction to believe it.

It is very hard to buck authority.  Especially if it gets you punished.  But authorities can LIE and they do LIE.  The punishment they can mete out is the intimidation that gets people to comply.

You have to resist the temptation to give in to the fear that they want you to feel.

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