Monday, June 22, 2020


It is six years ago today that I bought my property out west. At least I still have it even though there is nothing on it yet. Correction: There is some wreckage of a previous attempt at building a shack out there.

It has been a long haul, but I am getting there. The xbox was a part of that plan, if you can believe that. Thanks to this thing, I know a bit more about handling the trailer than I did when I started. It may not seem possible to learn it this way, and it doesn't mean that I know how yet, but I have a running start.

By the way, I haven't been blogging on the other blog lately. Rather than keep two blogs, I may take that blog private. Updates on what is going on may be found here if I think about it. I have a tendency to spread myself too thin. One blog is enough.

Now that I have that out of the way, let me expand upon this a bit. The property was obtained in order to go off the grid. It is easier said than done, like a lot of things.

Given the current events, it is all the more clear why this was a good decision. It would be better to get out of the big cities. I got out a bit sooner than I figured on, but that is a blessing in disguise. How I got here is not exactly the way I would have chosen, but that is the way the old cookie crumbled.

If I lived out there today, my groceries would have to come from a small time operator. The "big box" store chains would not be interested since it is so far away from where all of the people are. As my next step in preparation, I won't buy my groceries from the big chains anymore. There is a grocer down the road a bit. I'll get my groceries there for now on.

Eventually, I may not have to buy groceries. I should be able to grow my own food. How 'bout them apples?

That concept can be expanded. Even though I got the xbox before I got this idea, I'm going to stop buying stuff from the big operators. That would include Microsoft, if at all possible.

There are still alternatives. Maybe not in the future the way things are going. But you can still disengage from Corporate America.

Corporations are in the pockets of the Democrats now. That's an added motivation for doing this.

Trump's tax cut for corporations doesn't look any better to me now than it did then. In fact, it looks worse.

I'm not abandoning Trump. But he isn't perfect. Nobody is.

That is all.

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