Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Before you drain the swamp...

You are going to have to find a way to beat stuff like this.  Basically, the Democrats are benefitting from their own malfeasance.  If you don't make them pay for their malfeasance, then no attempt at draining the swamp will ever work.

Here they are, attempting to profit off their own malfeasance.  They are causing this outbreak of coronavirus, then they try to blame Trump for it.  That's the malfeasance and the attempt at profiting off of it.  You have to make them pay for that.

How?  That's the 64K dollar question, now isn't it?  Well, if you don't attempt to crack it, then you won't have a chance at cracking it.  The GOP won't, so Trump will have to find a way to do it.  How?

We are in an election year, and so far, they are still doing it.  Maybe with less effectiveness, but they are still doing it.

It has to be stopped.

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