Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Grammarly Shake Down Cruise

After installing the gadget to the Chrome Browser, I now begin testing how it proofreads my document.

The first sentence above was typed in, and then pasted into the gadget, and it gave a result.  The result was one spelling mistake.

A similar procedure for the second sentence.  That result was no errors.

Consequently, I will expand this to include more than one sentence.  Now, I am testing three sentences at a time.

It would work better if I were to type an entire document at one time, but I tried that before trying this shakedown cruise experiment.  The problem is the same problem I had with Blogger when I first began this blog.  The blogger platform does a lot to the text that cannot be seen.  Therefore, if you were to cut and paste a document into this blogger platform, it will display differently from what was written in the other text editor.  This phenomenon means that Grammarly is not very useful in this context, unfortunately.  The reason is that it is quite cumbersome to continue writing just one sentence at a time while checking for errors along the way.

There are other errors that Grammarly won't show unless you pay a fee.  Oh?  So, my writing is that bad, eh?  I suspected as much.

Hey!  It gives a score to my writing.  This paragraph was not included in the evaluation, by the way.  The final score says my writing is easy to read.

I wonder if AOC could read it.

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