Sunday, March 5, 2017

Obligatory, 3.5.17

Priorities are going to have to change around here soon.  If I take this trailer to Dallas, a lot of preparations are going to be necessary.  So, it is time to start "buttoning up" the experiments, and putting away a few things.

One thing that I could put away would be the passive solar project. I can drain the solar heater and the reservoir.  The heater and hoses can be stowed away in the compartment below the bedroom.

That could be a start, but no need to get carried away.  The trip to Dallas is still unconfirmed, and the use of the trailer is not guaranteed.

Besides that project, I want to finish the sliding door project.  The styrofoam on the reservoir needs the be emplaced as well.

Sounds like a lot of work, but it isn't really.


Done!  Or mostly done.  The Styrofoam project wasn't attempted today.  The carpentry work proved to be more than I bargained for.

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